Speak and ‘win your IELTS’ might sound a bit confusing to many of you. That is because there is no passing or failing (winning or losing) IELTS test. When you get your required score, you have cleared your test, but the required score will be different for each candidate, depending on their needs. However, speaking is a subtest of IELTS. This is one of such subtests that can help you significantly improve your overall band score. Here are a few sample questions and possible answers to them.
Topic: Punctuality
1. Do you think it’s important to be on time?
Yes, I think it definitely is, because it’s basic manners to be on the dot for things. I mean, I think everyone would agree it’s pretty rude to keep people waiting, and so it kind of makes a bad impression on people.
2. How do you feel when others are late?
Well, I guess it kind of depends, because I mean, if there’s a good reason for being late, like getting stuck in traffic, then I will not really mind that much. But, if the person does not really have any excuse and it’s simply because they could not be bothered to arrive on time, then I suppose I might feel a bit annoyed.
3. Are you, yourself, late very often?
If yes: Yes, I am at times. And I know it’s a bad habit, but for some reason, no matter how hard I try, I always seem to end up being late for things!
If no: No, I would say I’m dead-on time. You know, most of the time I’m pretty good at being on time for things, because I always make quite a big effort not to be late to avoid being pushed for time.
4. How do you feel when you are late?
I feel pretty bad, especially if I’ve kept the other person waiting for a long time. So, if I know I’m gonna be late, I will always try to let the person know in advance, you know, like send them a text message or something, so at least they know when to expect me.
5. Do you wear a watch?
If yes: Yes I do – I have it even now. I feel it is very convenient look at it whenever I need to the time or the date. And I am pretty much used to it.
If no: No, I do not, because I do not think it’s really necessary to wear a watch anymore. I mean, if I wanna know the time, I’ll just look on my mobile!
6. When does time seem to move fast and when does it seem to move slowly?
Well I think most people would agree that time moves fast when we are having fun. for example when we are playing computer games. Because whenever I play onlne with my friends. It always seems that only an hour or two has passed, but in actual fact, it’s probably been four or five hours! And time normally goes slowly when you’re bored or simply just not enjoying yourself. For example, I remember at school. Some of my classes felt like they would never end, when, in fact, they were just, like, 45 minutes long.
7. If you could go back in time, what would you do differently?
That’s an interesting but hard question. What would I do differently? Um………., ok well first of
all, if I could go back in time, I would definitely spend more time practicing the piano, because
you know, I never really practiced that much when I was younger, and I kind of regret it now,
because I’d love to be able to play the piano well.